What Is Stewardship to Us?
How does East Side Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls, SD, view stewardship? As baptized Christians we are called to be faithful stewards of all that God has given us: our lives and the mission of the church. Stewardship is about how we participate in and take care of our families, our community, our nation and even our world.
Stewardship tends to be equated with raising money for the church. Of course, it takes money for congregations to operate, but stewardship is much more than money. In many ways, stewardship is the most important guiding principle for our lives. This means that stewardship is much more than dollars and cents. It is all of life, and it is faithfully using the abundance God has generously given us. Our goal at East Side is to help each other recognize the abundance God has given us (as individuals and as a congregation) and then use that abundance to live more fully into the mission God has sent before us.