Events Calendar
Access the East Side Lutheran Church events calendar below to find out the dates and times of worship services, Bible studies, special events, and other church activities.
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Access the East Side Lutheran Church events calendar below to find out the dates and times of worship services, Bible studies, special events, and other church activities.
Coffee in the barn
8:00 am Men's Bible Study,
10:00 am Women's Bible Study
9:00 am Scrapbooking/Crafts
9:00 am Quilting in the lower level
1:00 pm WELCA making valentines for shut-ins
Annual Sewing Day at East Side (Starts at 8:00 am)
1:00 pm Cribbage Tournament
9:00 am Quilting in the lower level
11:15 am Annual Meeting
Pinewood Derby in the Fellowship Hall
2:00 pm Bingo in the Fellowship Hall